Monday 4 June 2012

Sometimes it's better to not get involved..

Today was the weirdest day ever, so much happened and I don't even know where to start. Well first of all, I found out that it was Daisy that ran over Myrtle not Gatsby. But she never admitted it to Tom, Gatsby took the blame for it. So you can all guess what Tom's feelings are towards Gatsby. Tom absolutely hates Gatsby for running over Myrtle and for loving his wife, Daisy. Myrtle was Tom's lover, he always went to visit her at the Wilson's Garage, so of course he is going to hate Gatsby. Another reason that Tom hates Gatsby is because he told Tom that Daisy loved him. So now Tom hates Gatsby because he basically ruined his life. I think Tom told George Wilson that it was Gatsby that ran over Myrtle Wilson. Gatsby seems a little afraid because I think he figures that Tom told George that it was him. I stayed at my home in West Egg and kept my distance from all of the drama because I didn't want to get involved. Daisy tried to call a few times but I never answered, I knew what had happened and I didn't want to be on anyone's side. A few days after everything happened I decided to go over to Gatsby's house because I had heard a few gun shots. I walked over to his house nervously, my legs were so shaky, I didn't know what I would find. I walked everywhere in his house, calling his name, looking for him and no answer. I decided to walk around the back of his house to his pool and there he was floating in his pool, dead.

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